Xeriscape Landscape Yard Design Tips from Professional Landscape Contractors

Xeriscape Landscape Diego in San Diego

Tips from Professional Landscape Designers

Chances are, if you live in San Diego, you’ve heard of “xeriscape landscaping”. But just in case, we’ll give you brief reminder of what San Diego xeriscape landscapes are all about. As professional landscape contractors in San Diego, we’re excited to share our knowledge that we’ve learned over the years. This guide is perfect for xeriscape landscaping designers; beginners and aficionados alike. If you read through this and have any questions, please contact us and we’ll get you the drought tolerant landscape you’ve always wanted!

Xeriscape design tips for San Diego

What is xeriscaping?

Xeriscape landscaping is the practice of designing and installing drought-tolerant landscapes. It is an extremely popular form of outdoor landscaping, especially in states with drier climates like Arizona, Nevada, and Southern California.

Xeriscaping got its start in Denver, Colorado and quickly grew in popularity throughout the aforementioned dry western states. However, you don’t need to live in a hot climate to appreciate the benefits of drought-tolerant landscapes. In fact, homeowners all over the US have adopted this eco-friendly practice because of the financial savings and positive environmental impact.

What are the benefits of xeriscape landscaping?

A xeriscape landscape design will help your pocket-book as well. Drought tolerant landscaping is a must in San Diego. Xeriscape plants benefit the environment by reducing a homeowners’ water usage by as much as 50-75%. It is said that an average home uses roughly 112 gallons of water per day, and often times 50% or more is used on the yard. Xeriscapes eliminate the need for watering your outdoor landscapes, while the native plant-life flourishes with little maintenance required. While the upfront costs of a xeriscape landscape is typically more expensive than a lawn, the maintenance and water costs will be much lower.

Benefits of Xeriscape

With less water having to be used for a xeriscape yard, there will be a lower cost on the water bill.  You will also save money in fertilization that is typically required each year.  Fertilization will be a bit of a higher cost initially, but after the yard is complete, you won’t need to re-fertilize the yard each year.  The ground is specially designed to hold water for long periods of time.

The investment will be worth it for years to come.  You won’t have to replace vegetation that isn’t adapted to the harsh conditions of San Diego.  You can keep a well-maintained yard with rich, native vegetation for a fraction of the cost of a regular yard.

You will also save money on pesticides and chemicals.  There won’t be nearly as high of a need to protect exterior damage to vegetation.  The natural qualities of the soil will allow for more efficient healing and homeostasis of the vegetation. 

Conservation incentives may vary from county to county, so check with your local water department to find out if any apply to you.

How do i get started with xeriscaping?

Xeriscape landscape design typically starts with the removal of grass lawns and replacing with sand, stones, mulch, and drought-friendly vegetation. There are plenty of DIY backyard xeriscape design ideas to draw inspiration from.

Getting started with Xeriscaping

You can then begin to map out the drought-tolerant plant life you’d like for your space. San Diego is a coastal desert and boasts several beautiful species of plant-life that require little to no water. Some of our favorite native San Diego drought-proof xeriscape plants include:

  • Snakeplant

  • Mondo Grass

  • Crape Myrtle Trees

  • Lilacs

  • Grevilla

  • Feather Reed Grass

  • Barrel Cactus

  • Lavender

  • Aloe Vera

  • Blue Agave

For more information be sure to check out our post on our favorite plants for San Diego landscape.

Drip irrigation plays hand-in-hand with xeriscaping, as it directs water straight to the base of the plants, eliminating waste and preventing water evaporation. It’s best to group plants together with similar water needs so you can further aid the environment by preventing overwatering.

A common misconception about xeriscape landscapes is that you need to love the “desert vibe.” If that’s not your thing, there are plenty of drought-proof plants that are lush and colorful. As expert landscape design contractors we can talk with you about the style of your home and your personal tastes – and you’ll be amazed at the xeriscape ideas that we can bring to life.

A beautiful San Diego xeriscape backyard

Why choose xeriscape landscaping?

Some of the best reasons to have a xeriscape landscape in San Diego:

  • blends in with the SD coastal desert vibe

  • reduces water usage

  • lowers costly water bills

  • more visually interesting versus grass lawns

  • requires almost zero maintenance

  • plant-life natural to the San Diego region is beautiful

Xeriscape offers benefits that are both environmentally friendly, as well as financially advantageous to a financial budget.  It isn’t hard to start into, and the benefits outweigh much of the bad.

Environmental Benefits of Xeriscape Landscaping

If your current home needs a front-yard or back-yard spruce, contact Deep Rooted Designs to book a complimentary consultation. We’d love to help you create an outdoor living space that saves water, benefits the environment, and takes your outdoor entertainment game to the next level.

Environmental benefits of xeriscaping

The best benefit of xeriscaping is the fact that you can cater the vegetation to what thrives best in the given conditions.  Many farms will feature agricultural products that aren’t native to the area.  This causes an inordinate amount of water to be used, which is essentially harsh on the environment.

Native plants will work better in the given climate, especially in a dry area like San Diego.  They are easier to maintain, and won’t require near as much attention and interaction.

When you are working with vegetation that isn’t designed to be in San Diego, you constantly find that you are having to add chemical products to enhance the growth of the plant.  This is required to ensure that the yield of the investment is enough to merit the plot.  Environmentally, chemicals are extremely harmful to the environment.  They play a role in damaging the ozone layer, as well as robbing the actual food of vital nutrients and minerals.

In Conclusion

A common misconception about xeriscape landscapes is that you need to love the “desert vibe.” If that’s not your thing, there are plenty of drought-proof plants that are lush and colorful. Our landscape design experts can talk with you about the style of your home and your personal tastes – and you’ll be amazed at the xeriscape ideas that we can bring to life.

Overall, xeriscape landscape design in San Diego is a popular trend, and for good reason.  It is a quick investment that can reap both economic and environmental benefits almost immediately.  For residents of San Diego, it is one of the many directions that landscape construction has headed towards in recent years.  You are able to enjoy the native vegetation of San Diego, and maintain the beautiful look for a fraction of the cost that you would pay in a regularly landscaped yard. 

The Deep Rooted Designs team has had the pleasure of helping several San Diego homeowners turn their lackluster yards into xeriscape landscapes. From North Park, South Park, and Mission Hills, all the way to Lakeside and Carmel Valley – SD residents are obsessing over eco-friendly outdoor living spaces. With the water criss in Southern California, it’s never made more sense to convert your thirsty landscapes into stunning and sustainable outdoor living spaces.

Make sure to check out our blog for continued landscaping tips for beginners and pros alike.